
Coundon Court fully recognises its responsibility for safeguarding children. Our policy applies to staff, governors and all visitors to the school.

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads at Coundon Court are responsible for promoting the safety and well-being of all students, responding to any concerns around safeguarding and liaising with external agencies where appropriate to ensure the school is compliant with all statutory guidance in relation to Child Protection.

There are 5 main parts to our policy:

  • Establishing a safe environment in which children can learn and develop.
  • Supporting pupils who have been abused and ensuring the agreed Child Protection Plan is being adhered to.
  • Developing robust procedures for identifying and reporting suspected or actual cases of abuse.
  • Raising awareness of safeguarding issues including more local issues and ensuring the wider school are aware and equipped to deal with.
  • Ensuring we practise safe recruitment, in line with national legislation, from interview

C Holland

Mrs Charlotte Holland

Designated Safeguarding Lead

S Elton

Mrs Susannah Elton

Designated Safeguarding Lead

T Wheatley


Mrs Tracey Wheatley
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Looked After Children Co-ordinator and Deputy Safeguarding Lead


Fiona Walsh

Mrs Fiona Walsh
Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Kirsty Jones

Miss Kirsty Jones
Educational Welfare Officer and Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Amanda Donnelly

Mrs Amanda Donnelly
Associate Phase Leader and Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Need someone to chat things through with?

Have a look at Kooth, It's good to talk!

Worried About Your Own or Someone Else's Mental Health?

Helpful Advice and Guidance

Early Help and Family Hub
  • Could your family benefit from a little support ?
  • How about working with a family hub ?

If you want to chat more please contact one of the safeguarding team, pop into any hub or give them a call.

Details can be found here

Online Abuse

If you are worried about online abuse for yourself or another, you can get support or make a report by clicking the following link for CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command)

CEOP Reporting

Safeguarding Information

There are many positive actions that we can all take to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children. The better informed we are of the challenges young people face, the easier it will be to take preventative action and reduce the risks of a safeguarding concern arising.We would recommend the following excellent resources to all parents. Click the links below to access:

Online SafetySafeguarding ConcernsMental HealthOnline Counselling & Other SupportFGMSexual Health & Sexual ViolenceCriminal Exploitation & Youth ViolenceDomestic AbuseAlcohol & Drug use impacting young peopleExtremismHealthYoung CarersPreventing Online Sexual Abuse

You can also speak to your hub or the safeguarding team, who would be happy to advise how to access further support.