Mission Statement:
Our aim is to ensure our students leave Coundon Court academically successful and with the knowledge and experiences that will enable them to direct their own lives and have a great life.
At Coundon Court, our careers programme is geared around one word – Opportunity. Opportunities will be available to students throughout their lives, some they will encounter and others they will need to pursue. We equip students to be able to capitalise on these opportunities throughout their lives.
Intent: Our careers provision gives students the know and skills required to recognise, seek and seize opportunities to enable them to succeed, now and throughout their lives. We empower all Coundon Court students to make confident, impartial, and informed choices about their future career options. Regardless of background, our approach focuses on providing purpose, direction, and opportunities to all our students. Enabling them to flourish as individuals, become highly employable, and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives in modern Britain. Each year group has a specific focus for their careers programme:
Year 7 – Discover
Through a mixture of assemblies, educational visits and visitors, Year 7 students will hear from professionals from a wide range of industries, having the opportunity to ask questions about their background and professional journey. Students will also begin to learn about university and higher education. This year is about opening students’ eyes to discover the wide range of professions and higher education opportunities open to them.
Year 8 – Experience
In Year 8, students’ build on their discovery of professions and higher education by experiencing it for themselves. All students will benefit from visiting a university and learning about training opportunities to enable them to pursue professions of interest to them.
Year 9 – Explore
Year 9 is a year of important choices, where they will explore pathways. Students will be selecting their GCSE subjects, using their knowledge of professions and higher education/training to make their choices with confidence and a future focus. Students will also experience a realistic work-place environment/activity to develop their understanding of the world of work.
Year 10 – Develop
Year 10 is about refinement. Students will develop their abilities to seize the opportunities they want for themselves. All students will learn how to research jobs, create a CV and apply. They will then put these skills to the test in a practice interview with a visiting professional and receive personalised and meaningful feedback.
Year 11 – Realise
This year is where students utilise all of their knowledge and skills to secure the most ambitious destination for themselves. With input from visiting speakers from a range of industries, attendance to the careers fair and one-to-one support from our careers advisor and members of the leadership team, students will realise their potential.
Year 12 – Discover, Experience and Investigate Post-18 options
As they enter the Sixth Form, and new opportunities open up to them with Level 3 study, students will revisit their knowledge and skills to hone them further. Students will benefit from visiting speakers and presenters from a wide range of industries, backgrounds and education/training providers to equip with the knowledge they need to plan their next steps.
Year 13 – Realise
In their final year of schooling, students are supported on a one-to-one basis to secure the most ambitious destinations for themselves. With frequent input from tutors, careers and pastoral staff, students will create the best-possible applications to allow them to move onto a positive, challenging and rewarding destination, realising their potential.
Impact: Coundon Court frequently measures and assesses the impact of its careers programme through student surveys, destination data, Unifrog Charts, and the COMPASS+ tool each term to reflect on progress towards the Gatsby benchmarks. We provide parents the opportunity to feedback on the programme and obtain employer feedback after all employer engagement activities.
Ultimately the impact of our programme is measured by the destinations our students go onto – Coundon Court students routinely achieve outstanding destinations that are significantly better than the national average.
Destinations data for 2024:
Year 11: |
2024 |
Coundon Sixth Form |
32% |
Other Sixth Form |
9% |
College |
49% |
Apprenticeship |
6% |
1.5% |
*National NEET figure for 16-18 year olds in 2023 is 8%.
*National figure for students in apprenticeships in 2023 from 16-18 is 4.6%.
Year 13: |
2024 |
Progressed to HE or training L4+ |
74% |
University |
69% |
Employment |
16% |
Apprenticeship |
4.7% |
Training or education |
9.5% |
Gap Year |
8.4% |
3.4% |
First Choice University |
90% |
Russell Group |
27% |
Early Entry |
1% |
*National figure for students entering Russell Group Universities is 17%
*National NEET figure for 18-year-olds is 14%
*In 2024, national figures for students achieving their first-choice university place was 76.4%
Are you an employer or an alumni of Coundon Court?
If you would like to visit our school and share your experiences of your company/careers, please get in touch:
Matt Reilly
Tel: 024 7633 5121
We are committed to helping you prepare for the world of work.
Digital Resources
Unifrog is an online platform which can help you compare every university course, every apprenticeship and Further Education courses. There will be designated time in the year to access Unifrog in school, but we encourage you to also access this platform at home to help explore your career options.
To login in to Unifrog for the first time:
To log into Unifrog, go to: Sign In - Unifrog and enter your username and password to access your personal profile.
Useful links
Year 12/ 13 students
General Careers Research -
Inclusive Employers
Oxbridge Application
For any of you who are considering applying to Oxford or Cambridge, it is important to begin your preparation early in your careers journey. In Year 12, work will need to be well underway regarding your personal statements, academic portfolio and finding suitable references.
UCAS applications to Oxbridge (Oxford or Cambridge) is earlier than other universities, with an October deadline, and a thorough application process. For a snapshot of the Oxbridge application process, see below.
To find out more about the early entry process, click here: The Student Room – Uni Guide
Skills Tests and Early Entry
Subject Specific Research
University Preparation
Work Experience (WEX)
Our Year 12s have an opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge of the world of work when they complete work experience in the Autumn Term. Work experience is important because it allows you to find out more about yourself. Discover your strengths, values, motivations and interests. You can build your network of contacts and gain an insight into how an organisation works. Spending a week in a workplace gives you extra examples to discuss in future interviews, or to add to your CV,
Springpod - https://www.springpod.com/
Your child will receive a comprehensive programme of careers lessons through the tutor programme. Alongside this programme, they will have several opportunities to meet professionals and employers from a wide scope of job sectors, talk to apprentices, develop employability skills and experience mock interviews.
A significant aspect of your child’s careers programme is learning about different pathways available at post-16 and beyond. To find out more about different pathways, explore the links below:
What are T-Levels?
University and University Finance
Quick Downloads
Subject Specific Apprenticeships - provided by The National Apprenticeship Service 8 facts you need to know about apprenticeships, brought to you by Amazing Apprenticeships.
The Coundon Careers curriculum is an integral aspect of our Personal Development programme.
We believe it is the responsibility of all staff to ensure the success of the Coundon Careers curriculum.
Information for Tutors
Tutors are essential to high-quality delivery of the stable careers curriculum (GB1) through tutor time. There are five Careers sessions every half term.
During the Careers QA process, tutees may be asked to articulate:
Important Dates for Careers Diary
Coundon’s Careers Fair
National Apprenticeship Week – 10th – 14th February 2025
To find information to raise the profile of apprenticeships linked to your subject visit:
National Careers Week – 1st week in March [3rd -8th March 2025]
To find out more information to raise the profile of careers in your subject visit:
We are always keen to welcome our former students back ‘home’ to Coundon Court. Being a Coundonian, it is an exciting prospect for our current students to hear from you and to see what prospects and opportunities could also unfold for them when they complete their journey at Coundon Court.
There are many ways you could support the Coundon Careers Programme.
If you would like to be part of our alumni network, please click on the link and fill out the online form.
We are always keen to welcome new apprentices, employers and representatives from Higher Education and Further Education Providers. There are several opportunities for you to support the Coundon Careers Programme.
If you would like to support our Careers programme, please email us:
What is Labour Market Information (LMI)?
LMI stands for Labour Market Information. It provides information about the job market and is a useful tool to use when considering when deciding which career path to take, or considering a change of career in the future.
There are two types of LMI:
For a quick summary of LMI, watch this video produced by The Shaw Trust.
What else can LMI tell you?
Employment trends
Progression routes
Help to make informed decisions
Coventry Labour Market Information
Click on the PowerBI dashboard produced by the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership.
Useful websites to find out more about LMI and careers:
Our Careers programme is aligned with the eight Gatsby Benchmark. For ‘Good Careers Guidance’ and complies with the Department for Education’s Statutory Guidance for Careers.
Coundon Court measures and assesses the impact of its careers programme through:
The Careers programme is reviewed annually and amended in accordance to the needs of our students.
The updated provider access legislation (PAL) has now been enacted. It specifies schools must provide at least six encounters with approved providers of apprenticeships and technical education for all their students:
Coundon Court's Provider Access Policy.
Coundon Court’s Careers Policy‘What is the Baker’s Clause’,(provided by www.amazingapprenticeships.com)
When you are reading about Careers, there is a lot of Careers-specific vocabulary. You can download a useful vocabulary sheet to help you understand these key terms.