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Building Brighter Futures Kindness
Coundon court0014
Building Brighter Futures Respect
Hard Work
Building Brighter Futures Respect
Building Brighter Futures Respect


Welcome to Coundon Court Sixth Form.

Highest A*-B Results in the City, 2023 and 2024!

Here we pride ourselves on not only delivering high-quality and effective teaching to secure the best results possible, but also developing the ‘whole person’. We have embedded a culture that builds upon Coundon Court’s values of hard work, kindness and respect. We believe these values are vital to ensure success and allow our students to become the best they can be. The dedicated Sixth Form Leadership Team are on-hand every step of the way to support our students to achieve the best results possible and emerge from this pivotal time as young adults. Grades are important, but so is ensuring that our students leave Sixth Form with the experience, skills and competencies to secure the best opportunities and lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives.

Not only do our students benefit from high-quality and effective teaching, they also have access to a bespoke tutor time and Study Skills curriculum, where they are supported to:

  • develop debating skills
  • build a bespoke timetable
  • receive academic and pastoral support and guidance
  • develop students into role models
  • engage in extra-curricular work experience and enrichment
  • learn effective revision and learning strategies
  • learn how to make applications to jobs, apprenticeships and universities
  • review their performance and make and review SMART targets

At Coundon Court Sixth Form we never stand still, looking to continuing to develop and evolve to best meet the needs of our students. Our Student Council and Student Representatives provide leadership opportunities for our young people as well as frequent feedback to allow us to continually improve the students’ experience.

Thank you for our interest in our Sixth Form. I look forward to welcoming future cohorts as we continue to develop our provision to secure the best outcomes for our students and watch them flourish as individuals and successful adults. If you have any questions about who we are and what we do, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mr Malby – Assistant Principal – Sixth Form

Sixth Form Overview

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Our Stories

Larissa Year 13

Y13 - Student President
"I have attended Coundon Court since year 7 all the way through to Year 13. In this time, I have been able to grow as a person and pursue my studies thanks to the teachers and the help provided to me."
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Larissa Year 13

Raul Year 13

Y13 - Student Vice President
"The school provides everyone with the chance to better themselves and is always seeking to guide students along their journey through education in order to ensure we all achieve what we are truly capable of."
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Raul Year 13

Archie Year 13

Year 13 - Student Voice Leader
"The Coundon Court staff have always been supportive and approachable - without them I would not have been as academically successful."
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Archie Year 13

Kayla Year 13

Student Voice Lead on Inclusivity and Fundraising
"Coundon Court has played an essential part in shaping my personality, from the people I have met to the things I have learnt."
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Kayla Year 13