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The Futures Trust Members

Rev A Randle-Bissell
Dr D Wood    
Dr D Belcher

The Futures Trust Board of Trustees:

Mr T Fitzpatrick (Chair)
Mr M Moseley
Ms K Morris
Mrs P Heer
Mr D Loudon
Mrs H Quinn
Mrs C Blair, Co-opted Trustee
Mrs J Thompson
Mr M Stokes
Ms E Rowlands


Coundon Court School is a member of The Futures Trust, a Multi Academy Trust, a limited company and a charitable company registered in England and Wales. The trust's company number is 8678162. Coundon Court School and The Futures Trust is authorised by The Secretary of State for Education and regulated by The Department of Education. The company is bound by the provisions of its Funding Agreement and the Education (Independent School Standards) (England) Regulations 2010.

The MAT is one legal entity, a charitable company limited by guarantee.

There are three levels of Governance:

  1. Members, who agree articles which define the charitable purpose and how the MAT will run, appoint Trustees and remove if necessary, receive company accounts and annual report and hold the Board of Trustees to account.
  2. A Board of Trustees (Directors) who have ultimate responsibility for running each academy and will deal with the strategic running of the MAT. The Board delegates day-to-day running of each academy to a Local Governing Body (LGB). The level of delegation can be different for each academy. Accountability always remains with the Board of Trustees.
  3. A Local Governing Body who have powers delegated by the Board of Trustees to oversee the day to day running of each academy.

The role of school governors is very important as they help drive the strategic vision for the school and make decisions which are in the best interests of the children and young people. The governing body members are:

Joanne Doyle (Chair)
Antony Cash
Ian Foster
Justine Hewitt
Andrew Wright
Anne Denby - Parent Governor
Jane Doran – Staff Governor
David Seedhouse – Staff Governor

The chair contact be contacted by email: chairofgovernors@coundoncourt.org

The Futures Trust’s Register of Interests captures relevant business and pecuniary interests of members, trustees and local governors of academies within the Multi-Academy Trust. This can be viewed on the Trust’s website at www.thefuturestrust.co.uk

In order to set up The Futures Trust, a number of legal documents are put in place between the Trustees and The Secretary of State for Education.

A copy of the school's Supplementary Funding Agreement can be found below.

Other legal documents can be found on the Trust's website at www.thefuturestrust.org.uk

The Trust's Registered Office is:

President Kennedy School
Rookery Lane

T: 024 7666 1416

Coundon Court Supplemental Funding Agreement

The Futures Trust Articles of Assocation

The Futures Trust Master Funding Agreement

The Futures Trust Annual Report and Financial Statements 2022

The Futures Trust Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023

The Futures Trust Annual Report and Financial Statements 2024

The Futures Trust Financial Management Policy 2024

Coundon Court Final Accounts 2022-23

Coundon Court Audit Findings 2022-23

Register of Business Interests

Schools Financial Benchmarking Website Entry