Here is a general starting point for your revision. For subject specific resources, please look on the subject pages.
Don't hesitate to talk to or email your teacher if you need help or additional resources - it's what we're here for!
The Walking talking mock explains how to tackle each type of Question.
This resource contains content and skills support and many links to suggested practical methods.
All resources can be found in the Biology folder: lesson slides, practice questions by type, subject and skill.
At the bottom of this document there are revision websites. The first website, Study Mind, has the AQA specification broken down into small topics.
Students can revise a topic of weakness identified in class or through mocks, then attempt questions and self assess the questions on the topic.
The second website is a link to a YouTube channel that has the AQA specification broken-down into small videos.
The third website gives some general advice and guidance on revision for Chemistry A
Mind mapping resource for range of topics; use with all the Eduqas digital resources in your folder to mind map key content quickly.
Countdown Plan for lesson content and homework with links to other revision resources.
Eduqas question bank; (remember to select D&T and Topic areas.)
Complete and self-assess:
Use this to find the location of sources in the Germany textbook. Write these up to practice in 20 minutes per source. Self/peer assess using P-V, C-V, T-V, L-V/EXPL and J or submit for marking.
Print off a copy of this file, then complete plans for each exam question. Practice writing introductions, conclusions and support/balance paragraphs. Write up full answers as additional essays to self/peer asses or submit for marking.
Question booklet. Print a copy off and then plan answers to each question, including writing introductions, conclusions and example paragraphs.
How to do a Required Practical
Follow the link to the online simulations of the required practicals. You will need the log in that is on the Required Practical PowerPoint.
Summarise the topic notes from the PowerPoint onto the topic worksheet to test recall of knowledge
Psychopathology PowerPointPsyopathology Worksheet
Approaches PowerPointApproaches Worksheet
This is everything you need to know for Paper 1 Education content and methods in context. As you work through the booklet the notes become increasingly abbreviated so that you can recall the detail better.
Mind maps for Question 5 and 6 on Theory and Method for Paper 3
Quick fire short questions on Crime and Deviance to ensure you know your AO1 and concepts
Short Questions - Crime & Deviance
Quick fire questions for research methods
Short Questions - Research Methods
AO2 theories and studies - recall your knowledge for Beliefs in Society
Online videos that explain the skills for each type of question on the 3 papers.Revise Sociology Website