Sixth Form News

Hackathon Success for Coundon Court Sixth Form


Students: Dima Ramazan, Jenna Fletcher, Lily Bolton and Priscilla Appiah presented on the impact a high screen time can have on their mental health.

The Hackathon is a competition which allows students who are part of the Elephant Group programme to showcase and practice their presentation and delivery skills as well as completing a research project. The final was held last weekend at Birmingham University School Of Medicine. 


As a result of their fantastic efforts and hard work, we are thrilled to share that they WON the competition out of over 70 students nationally!


Sixth Form Beginning Craft and Crochet Club 



Our Sixth Form students have recently begun a Craft and Crochet Club for Y7 and Y8 students. They are completing crochet and painting projects with them every Monday after school. The group of students running the club are aspiring dentists who are leading the club in order to improve theirs and others dexterity skills as well as gaining invaluable leadership and teamwork skills through leading the club.  



Sixth Form Hackathon Research 

Sixth Form students: Dima Adnan, Jenna Fletcher, Lily Bolton and Priscilla Appiah presented to Miss Ingram's Year 7 tutor on the impact a high screentime can have on their mental health. Students listened to the students presenting on the research before completing a form to measure their screentime and viewpoints on how mobile phone usage effects their concentration. The Hackathon is a competition which allows students who are part of the Elephant Group programme to showcase and practice their presentation and delivery skills as well as completing a research project.

Valentine's Day - Sixth Form Fundraising for British Heart Foundation  


All week our Sixth Form Student Council have been leading on a fundraising event to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. They have been: selling artificial roses with notes to show love and appreciation for their peers, run a competition for guess the love hearts in the jar and have organised a Sixth Form Olympic race to take place during lunchtime on Friday. 

On Valentine's day Student Council will be delivering roses to tutor groups and leading on a series of races during lunchtime to crown Sixth Form Champions. 

Primary School Specialist – Careers Visit 


On Wednesday 12th February, a group of 8 Sixth Form students signed up to attend a talk given by Gemma Martin (a visiting lecturer) who discussed the Birmingham City University (BCU) routes into primary education. Gemma also discussed routes into teaching, how to gain Qualified Teacher Status and a snapshot into what it is like to be a primary specialist. Students were then able to ask questions at the end of the session related to this.  Sixth Form students were even offered 1-1 support and mock interviews if this is a career they are passionate about.