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ICT and Computing

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We believe Computing is a requirement for students to engage meaningfully in an increasingly technical world.


In our curriculum, we aim to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and mindset to thrive in a world driven by technology. Rooted in the belief that the whole person is the whole point, our computing curriculum fosters curiosity and empowers learners to become critical thinkers who can solve complex problems creatively. We encourage students to ask challenging questions and develop their communication alongside their technical skills to be able to navigate the collaborative and competitive environments that computing leads to.



Key Stage 3 students will study:



Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 7

E-safety & data representation

Photo editing & Algorithms

Application design & video game design

Year 8

Hardware & Spreadsheets

Introduction to python


Year 9

Boolean logic & HTML

Presenting Data





In Key Stage 4 students will study OCR GCSE Computer Science following this programme:




Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 10

Computer architecture, data representation & programming

System software, networks & programming

Ethics in computing & Programming project

Year 11

SQL, defensive design, networks & common algorithms

Revision & exam preparation

Revision & exam preparation





In Key Stage 4 students could also choose to study (OCR) I-Media following this programme:




Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 10

The media industry and product design. Pre-Production planning.  Leaning to edit images.

Students will practice creating a visual identity based on a client brief

Students will complete their first NEA.

Year 11

How to plan a website and how to use a WYSIWYG. Mock R097 NEA.

Students will complete their R097 NEA. A website based on a client brief.

R093 Revision & reteaching where necessary.



In Key Stage 5 students will study (OCR) A Level Computer Science following this programme:



Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 12

Computer architecture, system software, exchanging data & programming.

Networks, Boolean algebra & programming

Data types, structures, algorithms and programming.

Year 13

Programming project

Ethics in computing. Reteaching & revision

Reteaching & revision


In Key Stage 5 students could also choose to study an OCR Cambridge technical in IT following this programme:


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 12

Unit 2 – Global Information

LO1: Understand where information is held globally and how it is transmitted


LO2: Understand the styles, classification and the management of global information


Unit 3 – Cyber Security


LO1: Understand what is meant by cyber security

LO2: Understand the issues surrounding cyber security



LO3: Understand the use of global information and the benefits to individuals and organisations


LO4: Understand the legal and regulatory framework governing the storage and use of global information





LO3: Understand measures used to protect against cyber security incidents


LO4: Understand how to manage cyber security incidents

LO5: Understand the process flow of information


LO6: Understand the principles of information security






UNIT 8 – Project Management


LO1: Understand the project life cycle

P1: Explain phases of project lifecycle

P2: Describe different methodologies

M1: Compare different methodologies

D1: Evaluate importance of each phase

Year 13

Unit 8: Project Management


LO2: Be able to initiate and plan projects

P3: Documentation for initiation phase

P4: Develop a project plan

M2: Phase review of project

D2: Create business case



Unit 1: Fundamentals of IT


LO1: Understand computer hardware


LO2: Understand computer software


LO3: Understand business IT systems


LO3: Be able to execute projects

P5: Project plan

D3: Project closure report


LO4: Be able to carry out project evaluations

P6: Evaluate feedback

M3: Recommend improvements



LO4: Understand employability and communication skills used in an IT environment


LO5: Understand ethical and operational issues and threats to computer systems

Unit 17: Internet of Everything


LO1: Understand what is meant by the internet of everything

P1: Explain IOE

P2: Explain four pillars

M1: Analyse global impacts of IOE

D1: Evaluate impacts


LO2: Be able to repurpose technologies to extend the scope of the IOE

P3: Outline developments

M2: Conduct feasibility study


LO3: Be able to present concept ideas for repurposed developments

P4: Prepare business proposal

P5: Deliver business proposal

M3: Revise business proposal

D2: Evaluate success criteria


If you wish to receive further information regarding our Computing or I-Media curriculum, please send an email to admin@coundoncourt.org and mark it FAO Mr N Anderson, Learning Team Leader for Computing.