
Choose a subject

We believe Science gives us an understanding of the world around us.

In our curriculum students gain specific knowledge and skills to help them to think scientifically, to gain an understanding of scientific big ideas and apply these to the uses and challenges for science, today and in the future.

Key Stage 3 students will study:


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 7

Cells, Reproduction and Inheritance,

Particles, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures, Acids and Bases

Energy, Waves

Year 8

Healthy Body, Ecology

Chemical Reactions, Nanotechnology, Forensics

Forces, Space

Year 9

Bioenergetics, Vaccines and New Technology

Electricity and Magnetism

B1a Cell Biology, B3 Infection and response

C1a Atomic Structure, B8 Chemical Analysis, C9 Chemistry of the Atmosphere, P3 Particle Model, P5a Forces

In Key Stage 4 (AQA Combined Science Trilogy) students will study:


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 10

B1b Process in Cell Biology, B2 Organisation, B6 Inheritance, Variation and Evolution, B7 Ecology

C7 Organic Chemistry, C10 Using Resources, C1b Periodic Table, C2 Bonding, Structure and Properties of Matter, C5 Energy Changes, C6 Rate and Extent of Chemical Change

P1 Energy, P2 Electricity, P5b Forces and Motion, P6 Waves

Year 11

B5 Homeostasis and Response, B4 Bioenergetics

C3 Quantitative Chemistry, C4 Chemical Changes

P4 Atomic Structure, P7 Magnetism and Electromagnetism

Option: Triple Science

Higher Maths students can take Triple Science as a GCSE Option.

This covers all topics above in more detail plus P8 Space Physics.

In Key Stage 5 students will study:

A Level Biology (AQA)


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 12 &

Year 13

Biological Molecules, Cells, Organisms exchange substances with their environment, Energy transfers in and between organisms, Organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments.

Genetic Information, Variation and relationships between organisms, Genetics, Populations, Evolution and Ecosystems, The control of gene expression.

Practical Endorsement

A Level Chemistry (AQA)


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 12 &

Year 13

Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Practical Endorsement

A Level Physics (AQA)


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 12 &

Year 13

Measurements and their errors, Particles and Radiation, Waves, Mechanics and Materials, Electricity, Further Mechanics and Thermal Physics, Fields and their consequences, Nuclear Physics, Practical Endorsement.

Option – Medical, Engineering or Astro Physics

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Applied Science (Pearson)


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 12 &

Year 13

Principles and Application of Science, Science Investigative Skills, Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques, Physiology of Human Body Systems

If you wish to receive further information regarding our Science curriculum, please send an email to and mark it FAO Mr R Davies and Ms A Cartmell.